Chick Pea

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Chick Pea(Channa)


Chickpeas also referred to as Garbanzo beans or even Cicer arietinum has numerous other titles just like Bengal gram and Indian pea. It is just a high protein legume, which is consumed like a staple food in the Middle East as well as South Asian countries. To provide a little description of the plant of these beans, it grows about 30 to 60 cm tall as well as includes feathery leaves. The garbanzo beans are one of those kinds of beans which are held in a seed pod including two peas within it. They’re green colored when they’re premature, that later become yellow, these are the ones utilized in recipes. The plants for these beans are developed in tropical or even subtropical environments, but could be cultivated in temperate surrounding too. It is known to be among the healthiest legumes obtained in nature and therefore, is essential within our diet.

Benefits Of Chickpeas

Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are super rich in protein and other nutrients like vitamins B6 and C, folate, manganese, and magnesium. They also contain calcium and some amounts of potassium (crucial for heart health). The protein helps build muscle mass and improves the health of cells while the magnesium, manganese, and calcium keep your bones strong. Vitamin C prevents ailments like cancer and promotes skin health. And yes, the iron and folate work great during pregnancy.