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Pistachio Nuts(Pista)

Botanical Name: Pistacia vera
Family: Anacardiaceae

Common Name: Pistachio, Pistache

Part Used: Fruit

Form Available: Pistachio Nut Whole, Pistachio Salted

Packing: 250g, 500g

Pistachio is the fruit of Pistacchio vera tree. It is a yellow-green coloured nut found inside a hard, naturally beiged colored shell. The shells of some pistachios are colored red (with vegetable dye), while others have been blanched until white. Pistachios aren’t actually nuts. Pistachio 'nuts' are actually seeds of red or yellow plum-like fruits whose flesh is removed during processing. However, everyone calls them a nut because they look like 'nuts' and belong to the cashew family

The pistachio has pinnate leaves and bears stone fruit 1 - 2 cm in size, whose light brown shell opens when ripe. The kernels have a brown seed coat. The seed coat contains antioxidants which protect the oil-rich seed from atmospheric oxygen so preventing it from becoming rancid (oxidative rancidity). After removal of the brown seed coat, the brilliant green color of the kernels is a sign of freshly harvested nuts. Oil content: 45 - 54% Acceptable pistachio nuts must be of sound average quality, dry, predominantly greenish (old nuts are often of a yellowish color), contain no dust or foreign admixtures and have their characteristic odor and flavor. 95 - 98% of nuts in their shell must be open.

Pistachios are rich in potassium (helps regulate the body's fluid balance), phosphorus (helps build bones and teeth) and magnesium (important element in the conversion of the body's energy), and are also a good source of vitamin B6 (aids protein metabolism and absorption) and thiamine (enhances energy and promotes normal appetite). Like all nuts, pistachio nuts are an excellent source of protein. Unsalted pistachios have a high-potassium low-sodium content which helps to normalise blood pressure, maintain water balance in the body and strengthen muscles. Pistachio nuts are also a good source of vitamin E which boosts the immune system and alleviates fatigue. They contain lesser amounts of magnesium, phosphorous, iron and zinc.

Medicinal Use
Pistachios are rich in phytosterols that lower blood cholesterol levels and also have the potential to prevent cancer. They are also rich in dietary fibre: in fact, an ounce of nuts contains more fibre than half a cup of spinach. Like most other nuts, pistachios can also cut heart disease risk. The high monounsaturated fat content may actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Pistachios also contain antioxidants in the form of phytochemicals. These plant nutrients have been associated with a decreased risk for developing chronic diseases, like cancer. Let these nuts form part of a healthy, balanced diet.